Festival of code pics and words

What ho, as all of my small community of 1 or 1.5 readers will know is that I attended the festival of code!

On the 27th of june I went to exeter library every day for 4 days (not all on the 27th of june) to work on a project. when that was done I had to go to Birmingham to present it


So I arrived on Saturday and headed for the ICC building (late I might add), when I arrived there I headed to the presenting room with only 6 minutes to spare, only to find out I still had half an hour. after waiting the long half an hour of watching some decent projects get presented, some amazing ones, and some god awful ones it was finally time to present. After I presented I found my self in a large room with many tables… dun dun dun; sat in there for a while waiting for the semi-finalists to be announced, and when announced I found out I didn’t get through, So I went to do some workshops (I say workshops; I went to one on Arduino workshop and thats it)

After doing one whole workshop it was time to return to the hotel which again was god awful (twice in one entry, wow) I found blood on my sheets, the walls where dirty, on my review I stated that if this thing considered a hotel was a person it would be an anthropomorphic personification of the devil. oh and the lift didn’t work.


after a night in hell I ventured back to the ICC building to watch the finalists presentation which was awesome! damn the internet was slow though.

now your probably not wandering what I made for the festival of code, but I will tell you any way: I created along with a friend of mine called Jake Irvine a web app thats gets the mood of twitter; here is the link Twemotion.


Now heres some pictures:






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